Terms: use of this site

"Read our terms of use before using this site" - This means that before you use the site, you should read the terms that determine how you can use the site, what is and is not allowed, and which rules you must follow.

"By using this site, you agree to our terms of use" - This means that by using the site, you agree to the rules and conditions set forth in the terms of use.

"Our terms of use apply to all users of the site" - This means that no matter who you are or where you come from, if you use this site, you must abide by the rules and conditions set forth in the terms of use.

"If you do not agree to our terms of use, you may not use this site" - This means that if you do not agree to the rules and conditions set forth in the terms of use, you are not allowed to use the site.

"We reserve the right to change our terms of use at any time" - This means that the owners of the site have the right to change the rules and conditions set forth in the terms of use at any time, and it is your responsibility to stay informed of any changes.

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